Container Gardens

Container Gardens

Container Gardens

Ready to try container gardens? They’re easy & affordable, and work well in any space. Here are some basics to get you going.

1. Choose your containers, anything from old washtubs to the beauties at your favorite garden shops. Ensure pots have good size drainage holes, up to 1-inch diameter, depending on the size of pot. If the pot is deeper than needed for your plants, fill the bottom third with empty plastic bottles. This makes your pot lighter and saves on soil.

2. Add fertilizer to your potting soil mix before planting.

3. Fill the pot AFTER you have set it in place.

4. Choose any plants that have the same sun, soil and water requirements. A simple guideline is to have at least one plant that is as tall as your pot, and one or two that will spill over the sides.

5. Before watering, test for dryness by pushing your finger in the soil up to the second knuckle. If your fingertips are dry, water enough that it drains through the bottom of your pot.

6. Liquid fertilise every other week.

7.Go ahead and change out plants that are not doing well.

Have fun experimenting!
