Category : Tips & Info

Much growth from a little Water

Much growth from a little Water

As the dry season progresses, we’ve had to put away our hoses and accept some losses to our gardens. But not if we’re into aquaponics, in fact, this self-sustaining system

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Preparing for the Dry Season

Preparing for the Dry Season

“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of Water.” We’re hearing all the warnings of this year’s extremely dry season, and we must do our part to conserve and

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Natural Mosquito Repellents

Natural Mosquito Repellents

Mosquitoes are everywhere and all year round. Avoid the harsh chemicals & sprays by growing your own repellents! They will deter these pests from coming near your home, and they

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Container Gardens

Container Gardens

Ready to try container gardens? They’re easy & affordable, and work well in any space. Here are some basics to get you going. 1. Choose your containers, anything from old

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